Rise & Shine: Rise from abuse and Shine with Jesus!
“Rise and do not be afraid!” Mt. 17:7

From being pinned down by abuse, let’s Rise up and Shine with Jesus! Victim-survivors of child abuse can now help others who have experienced the same, including those who became abusers themselves. By sharing stories of how we found healing with Jesus, through in-person and written form, we can be witnesses that life after abuse can be beautiful. Living close to Him, we will rally them up so they can rise up and shine as they truly are: beloved daughters and sons of God.
Those who are called to share are invited to write their life story, focusing more on their journey of healing and walk with Jesus than the actual abuse. We will gather all stories as a collection and have it printed as a book. Once feasible, we can go to different churches and share our stories of how we were healed by Jesus.
For questions, please contact Jeckie Alcaraz at 951-795-8809 or info@allthingsnewca.org.
To submit your stories of healing, inspired music, poetry, or artwork, see below for submission guidelines and click on the "Submit" button when you're ready.
Guidelines for submission of stories of healing, and inspired music, poetry, artwork:
Welcome and thank you for your interest in sharing your story in the upcoming Rise and Shine! healing stories collection. Our team had come up with a few guidelines in preparing your piece. The goal for the book is to be a beacon of hope for those who have experienced sexual abuse. By living close to Jesus, life after abuse can still be beautiful. This book will rally them up so they can rise up and shine as who they truly are: beloved daughters and sons of God.
(Note: You can still make a submission even if your art is still in the works.)
Your Written Healing Story
1200 Words or less, should be written in first person, and it must be your own story (not someone else's)
Include the first moment you realized healing was possible through, from, and with Jesus.
Stories must be true and factual, focusing more on the healing and walk with Jesus than the actual abuse. You can mention what happened but don’t dwell on it or be too graphic about it.
EXAMPLE: Prologue from Surprised by Forgiveness
One day, I had a vision that I was in heaven. I remember being in awe of the amazing and luminous sights. Amidst the bright lights and shining rays, I saw my abuser. In heaven!!! He was chatting with a group of people… in heaven! It was so shocking to me and in my vision I remember feeling at a loss for words but at the same time wanted to scream at him and say “WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?!?!?” “Who let you in?” Then I realized I can’t make a scene in heaven so I stopped myself. I started to walk towards his group, still not knowing what to say or how to react. But once he saw me, his expression changed. From smiling with joy to an expression of shame, his gaze fell and his head bowed down as if to say I’m sorry.
Music Guidelines
2-5 Minutes in length
Provide lyrics & link to song
EXAMPLE: Rise by Sylvia Lemus
Poetry Guidelines
1 page 600-800 words
Artwork Guidelines
Exclude images and mention of naked human form or anything else that might be deemed not family friendly.
In your art piece, we ask that you don’t focus on the abuse, but focus on the healing. The Rise & Shine book is intended for audiences of all ages - please abstain from using graphic images or words.

*This is purely voluntary work - you retain ownership of your story, music, poem, and art pieces. We will gather all stories as a collection and have it printed as a book. And, we will create a companion CD for the music. Once feasible, we can go to different churches and share our stories of how we were healed by Jesus.